Food Better Than Supplements for Longevity
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Is Food Better Than Supplements for Longevity?

A new study out of Tufts University involving more than 27,000 Americans is the latest research that shows that most supplements may not do much to improve health or at least can’t compete with a healthy diet. Some interesting findings: Taking supplements, the study found, did not translate to a lower risk of death from…

heart attack or stroke

This Secret Superfood Will Help You Live Longer

If I offered, you a miracle drug that would naturally reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. A drug that would significantly reduce your chances of being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and keep your weight down in addition to reducing Blood Pressure and Cholesterol. As a bonus it would lower your…

outside the Blue Zones
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Blue Zones: Where People Live to be 100+ Years Old and Why

They are called Blue Zones, places in the world where people live longer and healthier than any place on earth. And they aren’t just living longer – these people are living healthy. In places outside the Blue Zones we do see individuals that make it into their 90’s but they are often frail. This isn’t…